Learning Consulting: Wie fördern Sie Lernen in Ihrer Organisation?

Learning Consulting: Fostering learning in the organization

What path are you taking to ensure that your organization remains fit for the future through learning?

Lasting learning in work and change processes

How do you make learning more effective? How do you align learning with your strategy? How do you make the right choices in this process?

We advise and support organizations in developing sustainable approaches to learning in work and change processes that are aligned with their organizational strategy. In doing so, we focus on the needs, interests and abilities of the organization, its groups and individuals.

In doing so, we make an important contribution to the adaptability and future viability of organizations.

Customized and transparent

We select the methods and insights we apply according to the customer context and requirements, and we present them transparently.

Dialogic and cooperative

Together, we define clear and achievable goals. Our advisory process is dialogical and cooperative. Our clients make the decisions themselves.

Tried and tested and theoretically sound

As consultants, we are responsible for the consulting process and identify well-founded options for action. In doing so, we base our advice on (learning) theory and experience-based insights. 

We are specialized in the following areas:

  • Support in developing a learning strategy aligned with the organizational strategy
  • Alignment of the learning portfolio with the learning strategy
  • Academy consulting
  • LXP consulting
  • Supporting user adoption as part of IT implementation projects
  • Learning design and development of learner journeys
  • Methodological and didactic consulting
  • Evaluation (Learning Value Transparency)
  • Change management
  • Development of communication concepts
  • Learning culture (framework conditions, organizational factors, leadership…)
  • Skills and competencies
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