Success through user adoption – how to get more out of it

Drive success through user adoption

User adoption is one of the key prerequisites for a solution to be embraced and put to successful use. The tts performance suite can help you with this – with customized support at the workplace.
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Your benefits with tts performance suite

Nutzerakzeptanz erhöhen
Increase user adoption
IT-Investitionen absichern
Maximize IT investments
Datenqualität erhöhen
Increase data quality
Change Management meistern
Mastering change management
Digitale Transformation beschleunigen
Accelerate digital transformation
Mitarbeitende für digitalen Wandel begeistern
Inspire employees for digital transformation
Digitalisierungsprojekte ans Ziel bringen
Lead digitalization projects to the goal

Use new software efficiently

There is more to digitalization than just introducing new technologies. That is why you need to set your implementation projects on the right course as early as possible by systematically building user adoption. As a result, you benefit from what is perhaps the key driving force for your project's success – a positive attitude to new solutions and the motivation to use them efficiently.

Positive user experience and high productivity

With the tts performance suite, you make user adoption a central component of your digitalization projects. The software provides support to both experienced and inexperienced employees for any cloud-based or on-premises application through context-specific application and process knowledge. This enables you to ensure a positive user experience and high productivity right from the outset by avoiding operating errors, incorrect data entries and any resulting process errors. Thanks to the tts performance suite, you can also ensure your employees understand new applications and processes and fully harness their potential so that you can achieve your goals.

Your advantages with tts performance suite

  • You achieve rapid learning results and productivity gains.
  • You maximize the return on your IT investments.
  • You minimize the number of help desk inquiries.
  • You cut onboarding time.

Transformez votre connaissance en un avantage concurrentiel : avec tts performance suite - la seule solution d'adoption digitale conçue pour une transformation de toute l'entreprise.
tts performance suite

Digitalization made easy

Turn your business knowledge into a competitive edge: with tts performance suite – the only digital adoption platform designed for a company-wide transformation.

Experience tts performance suite live!

See for yourself and schedule a demo appointment. Our team will be happy to show you how to take advantage of the tts performance suite for your business. Simply fill out the form and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

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