Transformation Consulting - Stabiliți cursul către Excelența în HR

Set course for HR excellence

Your HR function needs to be agile, reliable and digital. That way, you can help shape the digital transformation and actively drive forward innovation. But let’s be honest, this transformation is a massive task!
Let's talk!

Where we provide support

Zukunftsfähige HR gestalten
Create sustainable HR solution
HR-Organisation und -Rollen
HR organisation and roles
Digitale HR-Prozesse aufsetzen
Design customised digital HR processes
Administrative Aufgaben minimieren
Reduce administrative expenses
Set up global HR processes

We will guide you safely to your destination

We look at the big picture and ensure that governance, structures, processes, resources and IT are all coordinated. From developing a vision to working on the concept, implementing it and beyond – we are at your side. Are you still searching for the right route? Is your project already up and running, but in a slump? Then bring us on board.

HR transformation – all or nothing

On paper, the concept for the new HR world looks perfect. But does your HR target operating model cover all the bases? Are there questions around (de)centralization, governance issues, the necessary change in the HR mindset and potential shadow structures in national subsidiaries? And are your HR employees equipped with the skills they need for their new tasks yet? For example, would they be able to make full use of digital opportunities using data analyses?

Get things clear from the get-go. We will work with you to examine the relevant aspects of the HR transformation, put the big picture together and mobilize a skilled project team.

Ihr Weg zu Digital HR

In 5 steps to Digital HR

Do you sometimes wish you had a sparring partner along the way? We help you focus, question your approach and bring in best practices from other companies.

Digital HR Type - Vorstellung

Digital HR Check

You want to drive the digitalisation of HR – but where to start? It is important to have a clear goal, hard prioritisation and a realistic roadmap. We have developed a workshop that supports you in this and gives you a fresh view from the outside. [Learn more]

Secure maximum added value for your HR project

A more agile HR function? More effective recruiting? A renewal of your HR-IT landscape? Whatever you are planning, we will work with you to turn potential into tangible benefits.

  • Holistic view. Theoretical and technical components are closely linked in digital HR, so they have to be thought of as one.
  • Humans matter. HR work is becoming more digital, more data-based, more innovative and more business-oriented. Staff must be thoroughly prepared for the growing demands.
  • Function aligns with IT. A project’s success depends to a large extent on systematically integrating the technology perspective from the outset.
  • Efficiency needs to go hand-in-hand with a good experience. Cutting-edge technology combines lean, automated processes and first-class employee experiences.
  • Agility needs stability. The more dependable the HR essentials are, the more agile the freestyle can be.
Backround Bild ASB Hessen Krankenwagen
Use case ASB Hessen

HR strategy – translating theory into practice

How do you go about completely rethinking HR? Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Landesverband Hessen e.V. – a charitable organization – and tts did it by working together to develop an HR target vision and roadmap for the charity. The aim was to reorganize HR management to standardize personnel work and enhance the organization’s attractiveness as an employer.

Aufbruch zu einer neuen HR-Excellence
insights. Magazine

HR transformation – the dawn of a new era in HR excellence

Digitalization is elevating HR to a whole new level. On the one hand, it is bringing more stability and efficiency to day-to-day operations. On the other hand, it is making business more dynamic and enabling HR executives to be more agile and flexible in their work. It’s time to clear the decks for a new era of HR excellence!

You got Questions?

Together we will find answers - future-proof, reliable and tailored to your organisation.

Let's talk!
Dr. Stephan Schmid, tts Transformation Consulting
Dr. Stephan Schmid
Managing Director Transformation Consulting
Portrait Marius Apeler
Marius Apeler
Sales Manager HR Consulting & Transformation