Digital adoption platform for the Dutch province of South Holland
An outdated, complex system with zero support
The digital adoption solution that had been used to date had become outmoded and creating learning content was a very laborious process. Minor changes to learning content couldn’t be published easily and had to first go through a long-winded process before everyone in the organization could access them. What’s more, there wasn’t a dashboard to help users work out how to use the learning content. Ultimately, development work on the software was stopped and support was removed entirely in 2018.
tts performance suite with rapid assistance for MS 365 and more
Since a successor needed to be found, the provincial authorities opted for the tts performance suite and rolled out Microsoft 365 in parallel. This digital adoption solution now gives staff rapid, straightforward assistance for all functions in the new software and, if required, can guide them through the system on a context-sensitive basis. The province of South Holland also chose to use tts Microsoft 365 Empowerment, which comes with over 1,200 guides. This meant it was able to get staff up to speed with the new system and train them in all areas.
The outcome – intuitive learning content for 2,000 users and all roles
Various departments are currently responsible for developing and maintaining learning content. Trained authors create content efficiently, publish it with ease and thus generate added value for the entire organization.
Lilianne Solleveld oversees processes and considers the tts performance suite and advice from tts to be valuable support. “Being able to develop learning content easily is important to us. Help functions need to be context-sensitive and tailored to the various roles in our administrative departments,” she explains. “No sooner had we rolled out MS 365, than tts was on the case, preparing the corresponding training modules for us. Everything went smoothly.”
The new set-up was particularly helpful during the pandemic when so many staff suddenly had to work from home. Today, the tts performance suite offers the approximately 2,000 users training modules and ad hoc support for numerous applications and functions, even ones that are not part of the MS suite – all with comprehensive statistics on usage and without any need for a help desk.
The outlook – eLearning modules with tests and all documentation in one place
Right now, all the learning content is geared toward giving staff help in the moment of need. In the near future, however, comprehensive training modules that culminate in tests are to be established so users can be quizzed on what they have learned. Some of the documentation, which is still located on the authority’s intranet, is soon to be incorporated into the new environment.
“Thanks to the tts performance suite, we now have a simple, fast and user-friendly means of providing our teams with texts, images and videos,” Solleveld says. “tts is thinking ahead for us, too, and already has ideas for future developments.”
About the province of South Holland
South Holland is a region that is leading the way in Europe, boasting a strong industrial infrastructure and great economic potential. Some 3.7 million people live in the river delta, making it one of the world’s most densely populated regions. What’s more, the port of Rotterdam is the shipping hub for goods from all over the world, making it a veritable gateway to Europe.
Approximately 2,000 civil servants employed by the province of South Holland take care of tasks that are too big to handle for municipal authorities but not big enough to be considered a state matter. The provincial authority acts like a link between the bodies and has direct contact with the administrative capital, The Hague. To ensure bureaucratic processes run smoothly, communication needs to be faultless. That makes comprehensive support – and therefore a digital adoption solution – an absolute must when it comes to the relevant IT systems. This kind of solution assists staff precisely when they need help and does so directly at their workstation, in any web-based application, and as appropriate to their specific role.
See for yourself and schedule a demo appointment. Our team will be happy to show you how to take advantage of the tts performance suite for your business. Simply fill out the form and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.