Gamification im E-Learning: spielend zum Lernerfolg

Gamification: Learning by playing

Is there little motivation in your team to participate in mandatory training? Do your employees hardly use learning materials? Playful learning elements can help! They motivate your learners to engage with a topic, pursue goals, and retain content.
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Success in learning with gamification

Increased productivity

Companies that use gamification often see a significant increase in productivity. Studies show that 90% of employees are more productive when using gamification.  

Improved information absorption and retention

Active engagement in games leads to better information absorption and retention. Simulating situations or making decisions in a game also leads to better retention. 

Higher motivation

Game elements make learning more fun. As a result, employees are more likely to engage with the content. Competition and reward elements also motivate employees to successfully complete a training course. 

Gamification: Schluss mit langweiligen Lernangeboten!

Say goodbye to boring learning!

Thanks to our years of experience in creating gamified learning formats, we can work with you to develop solutions that will keep your employees engaged, entertained, and motivated.

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Customize your gamification offerings

Our gamification elements can be individually integrated into learning offerings. Whether WBT, virtual reality learning environments or training. We offer customized solutions that are tailored to the needs of your company:

  • Character creation
  • game board
  • Mnemonic bridges
  • Scoring
  • Rankings
  • Game levels
  • Playful quiz questions

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Ready for more learning success?

Schedule a no-obligation consultation to discuss how we can create a gamified learning experience tailored to your organization. 

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